Guys, here`s a few sites I`d like to push (hence the links).
For our European friends - | | - run by English biker Richard Gilbert on the French German border at Strasbourg / Kehl. He works with the best overseas niche brands (such as ourselves), enabling European bikers to access products that are normally difficult to access due to customs barriers and associated red tape.
This one below is a new improved venture by someone I have known for a long time and is a really really decent geezer. He has other biker interests but this venture offers like-minded bikers a good, genuine and sincere place to stay with excellent new facilities. It`s also a lovely ride to the place if you approach from the North! I hope to get there sometime and if you can make it during one of the V Strom meetings then all the better as they are a great bunch of lads only let down by what they ride :)
The V-Strom owners club is a well established forum with a good bunch of lads as their members. Very helpful and run by a great geezer called Andy (he`s the administrator but sadly drinks like a pufta). I owe a lot to these guys as they started me off in my early years. Without doubt one of the best forums on the web for V-Strom.
Click on the link below.
This is a new-ish forum catering to a wider member base, specifically all adventure riders regardless of model of bike. Its run by Andy (from the V Strom site) so you know its a good forum.
Click on the link below
This place is fantastic, I recently stayed there myself. It was a very refreshing change to see a sincere focus on hospitality with, for once, commercial pressures taking a back seat to kindness and friendliness.